I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

It's got to be this one...

A great day wandering on the beach.
I headed off along the coastline myself this morning and as the tide was out I scrambled over the rocks and around to Culzean Castle. It was just me.......no one else on the beach, rocks, anywhere.......bliss. I even set the timer and took a photo of me on the beach. 2 hours on my own....brilliant!
I found sloe berries also whilst on my travels so I now know where to get a supply for sloe gin.
I met the gang on the way back wandering up the beach, which now had some bodies doddering about it. A kind lady offered to take this pic for me and as I do not have many pics with me in it (as I am usually taking them), it had to be this one for today!

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