stealing autumn...

...with a bird

can you see him? or maybe it's a her...

perhaps it's just me... and this cold is starting to really have an effect on me - i didn't realize i'd gotten a bird in the picture until i'd uploaded it... then - well... then - you can see, right - the bird is blue - all the other trees are fabulously autumn colors... golds, oranges, greens, yellows... take your pick...

yet - the more i looked at the tree the bird is on - the more i started to see blue in it... can you tell? do you see? just on the very tips of the branches... it's picked up the hue of the bird... look hard - i swear i'm not making this up - it's as though the tree is stealing autumn... for blue is not typically in the color spectrum of the fall range.

but it's okay by me - i mean... who am i to argue - to complain or fuss? this is nature... god's own - it can do whatever it wants to - i'm a mere observer and i like what i see. i'm just curious to know if you can see it, too... makes no difference, though -

it's one of those things that made for...


happy day.....

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