Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

CRONULLA New South Wales - Neil's new home?

Nothing much happening here today - just caching up on e mails and putting off doing the ironing which will soon reach the ceiling if I don't get my finger out.

" Down Under " things are a bit more interesting. Neil is 99% sure he has found an apartment - its in Cronulla - a beachside suburb of Southern Sydney. Cheaper there than in Sydney proper as its 40 mins away on the train. He is also 99% sure he has a job to start this week. Even he thinks its a bizarre job - he will be soldering circuit boards and testing their durability under water as they'll be used on submarines!!! He has no experience of this type of work at all so it will be interesting to hear how he gets on.

Even though Neil is 99% sure of the above I will not get over excited until he is 100% sure. A couple of days before Neil left on his travels my cat Bobby brought in a mouse and dropped it on the floor - it didn't move. I said to Neil " Do you think it's dead ". Neil looked at it and declared " I'm 99% certain its dead ". So I got a plastic bag and proceeded to pick up this " dead " mouse. As soon as I touched it it got up and scooted off. Luckily Bobby caught it and I was able to quickly open the front door and let Bobby out with the mouse in his mouth. So you can see why 99% isn't good enough where Neil is concerned.

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