Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

I want a Mini

Today we popped over to Nottingham to see a friend who needed a shower fitting. Whilst Mr G did his plumbing work me and S put the world to rights and had a catch up.

When I finished my cup of tea, Mini the eenny weennyy poodle stuck her head in my cup and finished the dregs off. I know this will make some people go 'eekk' but it doesnt bother me. She then finished everyone else's too. I now want a Mini - she was gorgeous. despite being 13 she was so spritely, running around and jumping on and off the sofa. Very cute. Not sure what the boys would think of a tiny girl in their midst though.

We are now home and we are having a very untraditional Sunday dinner of fish and chips :) YUMMY. I have just popped some garlic mushrooms in the oven as a starter and Mr G is opening the wine.

Now, I wonder who will go from Strictly. I LOVED Robbie Savage last night and Lulu even grew on me too. Loved James taking over Brendan Cole's role as bad boy with the judges!

This made my day too :)

EDIT - just realised it a bit squewwwifff!! Sorry!

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