Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

'Roo this doesnt look much like Kansas!'

Awhile back I mentioned that there was more to Roo then met the eye, yes we all now know his one big secret is that he is a registered pets as therapy dog visiting a local acute stroke unit and children at acorn he has qualified from 5000 dogs to the last six dogs for the final at crufts for therapy dog of the year(please email votes via in the subject I vote for Roo) if you havent already done so.

The second string to Roos bow apart from being super chi spy 007, is that last year he went for auditions for the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical 'The Wizard of Oz', he made me very proud as he got down to the last 30 dogs but when asked what tricks he did my answer was 'He cant do anything apart from make people feel better',

But he did get to do some filming with Ms Jodie Prenger one of the judges and she was very impressed with his hairstyle at the time, he was sporting a rather fetching Hugh Grant style.

Roo is a boy of many hidden talents.

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