happily ever after...

By thir13en


who looks silly. which convinced me to blip her.

feeling sad today (sunday)
but in all honesty... i feel sad everyday.

i'm about 90% positive my mother is depressed. not sad. not hitting tough times... i think she is broken. like me. and i know that if i tell her, it will just upset her.. another pill, another bill.

i just love her & i want her to be happy... she deserves it.

and, now i'm crying.

i'm sorry for my depression. if i've made anyone feel as helpless as i do now. trying to help me. wanting to help me, the way i want to help my mom

P!nk - Please Don't Leave Me
I can be so mean when I wanna be,
I am capable of really anything,
I can cut you into pieces,
When my heart is, broken.

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