my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

En Sweetie

I was #sundaylibrarian today and helped run our Dad's and Lads funday - so work consisted of meeting nice families, giving out freebies and stickers to the children and having a laugh with Miss A.

So lucky to be good mates with Miss A as well as working with her - she looks after the under 5's. I do the bigger kids.

We always have proper chats and pretty much tell each other everything, then have a good belly laugh about the crazy thoughts we have going round our heads.

Shooting the breeze today, she gave me advice (Miss A has been there, done that and got the T shirt) that I'm *not* going to follow. No matter how much I want to. She's such a sweetheart and an old romantic too. We are very similar.

Tonight the girls were film watching so I got to work cleaning my bathrooms. Yep BOTH of them! So chuffed at the difference the extra room has made. No more bickering from the girls at teeth brushing or bath time. Bliss.

When Miss A (now Mrs L) got married in St Ives last month, I got her a little handmade glass caravan to hang in her very cool VW Campervan. We had admired them in the gallery shop attached to the library. When I moved in here...she got me the little boat. Now hanging in the *cough* main bathroom.

Blip = boat and me

Much love xKx

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