Daunti's world

By daunti

smoking in the car

...oh my... I found Gretchen smoking in the car. Things have been stressful around here lately. There has been alot of moving stuff around as we are getting ready and making room for my daughter and my two grandchildren to move in with us. She is leaving her husband who struggles with drug addiction and is choosing drugs over his family. It's a very sad situation that has been going on for a long time. She can't make her husband want what she wants for him. She needs a place to heal and get her life together before she can move on and the kids need a safe place. Since I'm not use to having little ones around the house and because I don't smoke to reduce stress I think I will just have to find myself a quiet place to hide when need be, most likely with a glass of red wine in hand. It's all gona be ok I keep telling myself.

...{day 6}...count down till Halloween series with Gretchen

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