Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Set off with the intention of climbing our first munro today, however in our haste to catch the last ferry to Knoydart yesterday, MR EG did not pack his waterproof coat. WE got about a third of the way up and the wind was whipping up and the rain lashing down so we decided it would be foolish to go any further. So we went to the pub instead.

Tonight we walked 6 miles to a restaurant at Doune on the other side of the pennisula with views over to Skye. Luckily the rain had cleared up by this point and the walk was great to work up an appetite. The last bit was 3/4 of a mile down a steep dirt track - the last place you would expect to find a restaurant so out of this world. What a feast we had - I have never tasted food so yummy in my whole life (sorry Mum!). The whole place was was run by a couple of ladies who did all the cooking and waiting on for a handful of tables. Tried to get the lady to tell us what was in the soup (spicey cumbernauld) but she wasn't giving away her secret recipie. She did give us second helpings though.

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