
By tljedi11

Trophy case

I threw away the first couple of tags, but here's my race trophy case. (Interestingly, I don't care much for the finisher's medal. 1. They are bulky to keep anyways. 2. Then, what to do with them? Goodwill? Throw them away? Seems like a waste. I'd rather some souvenir you can use like a running hat or bag or something, but that's a whole different discussion.)

After each race, I write on the back total time, splits, division place, age group, etc. Plus, the race tags are always all wrinkly and beat up from the sweat and wind and hard work put into using them!

I just finished adding yesterday's race tag to the bunch. Recording all the info always gives me a chance to reflect on progress made and the next race goal. I've already calculated the split times I would need to finish another 70.3 in 6 to 6.5 hours, the areas I need to work on and a game plan for what to focus on during training. I actually think it is quite doable since training for this half IM was very inconsistent on my part.

Hey, gotta keep doing insane things to keep my sanity!

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