Encontrando el Mundo

By Mari

Sin Titulo

I miss home. I think it's because Halloween is almost here and you wouldn't even know it living in Buenos Aires. They celebrate Halloween in Uruguay though, at least in Montevideo according to my sources (Google search: Halloween in Montevideo, Uruguay). I might go there for the weekend, carve a squash or something. Hahaha :)

I'm soooo tired right now which is good, I'm planning on an early morning to do homework, go for a bike ride, then go to class all day. Sounds good to me! I'm craving physical activity, more than just walking around the city until your feet hurt. I would like some interactive sports please! Interacting with a bike is better than nothing. But......frisbee anyone??? I'm missing Ultimate so much out here. I saw an old picture of my team on the turf field on Facebook and I had this longing, a physical memory of cold nights, the soft turf beneath my cleats, and standing on the sidelines, sweaty and shouting at the players left on the field.

This trip has been great in so many ways for me, and even more because it's a culture shock in more ways than just being in a Spanish speaking country. I went from a small hippie/punk/nature loving campus to the big, dirty city where people's physical activity for the week comes from dancing until 7am in the clubs. Not my scene. At all. Hahaha :) I've had some tough times out here, some days where I just wanted to be like "speak English goddammit!!" But I've gained so much from being out here, and the best part of all is the language.

You cannot imagine the incredible feeling that you get from being able to communicate with someone in a language that is not your own. To understand and be understood is such an amazing feeling. In my conversations everyday I'm asking questions about the language, expanding my vocabulary, expanding my comprehension, sometimes I'm not even conscious that I'm speaking and being spoken to in Spanish...until I trip over my words trying to explain something so simple, but something that I just don't have the right words for. It's wonderful and I never want to stop.

I have so much love for this country.

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