A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Plum Job

Perhaps that's why the Prof is different from the other suspects. It always intrigued me when I was little that Professor Plum was the only character that was transparent. Made him seem a little fancy. The kids are either equally fascinated, or just suspicious of his behaviour.

Cluedo was my favourite game when I was little and I could never persuade my brothers to play it enough. They always preferred Monopoly which still makes me want to poke my eyes out. Fortunately it seems that I have passed on the Cluedo gene to J and A. We've already played it twice and J is hankering for another game and they want to play with Carl when he gets home. Hurrah - my social experiment is complete.

Another surprisingly satisfying and sane day given the continued houseboundness. J did have one moment of sadness when it struck him how long it is since he's seen any of his friends. Only one more day to go. Anna has been given an afternoon pass to play at a neighbour's house. I wonder what news she'll bring of the outside world.

But on the plus side, with the gorgeous weather we are having I bet we'd never have played Cluedo this holiday if we hadn't been forced indoors.

Lesley x

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