
By traceyflowerpot

Hover Fly ...

I havent been out today as I have waited in just incase my camera came back, but it didnt, grrr.

So I potted about the garden after doing all my chores and I came across this hover fly, I tried to capture him hovering but not possible today, I will try again some other time. This isnt the best of shots, the focus isnt very good, but it will do for today.

I really missed the boys today as they went back to school from they school break, it was so quite. Kieran cooked a spaghetti bolognese today it tastes so yummy and Aaron has started his two weeks work experience at Tescos, I hope he is having fun, he will be home soon and then I will here all about it.

Fudge really enjoyed being outside with me today, Bless his little heart.

Please have a look at my blip yesterday of Kieran it is soooooooo
funny if you havent seen it already,I uploaded late last night, we had so much fun, we laughed until our tummys hurt, haha.

I will comment later going to my Photography Course tonight.

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