Red Squirrel


"Rainy Day, Dream Away .....

... let the sun take a holiday" (Jimi Hendrix) . Well, the sun certainly took a holiday today. Grey, grey, grey, rain, rain, rain - for most of the time until late afternoon. I couldn't take a lunchtime walk yesterday and am having lunch with a pal tomorrow, so I was determined to get out today no matter what. So armed with camera and umbrella off I went into Bracondale Woods - my frequent and favourite lunchtime haunt.
I couldn't find much of interest to blip, but just before the entrance back into County Hall this little grouping of small bracket fungi on a tree stump, with rain-soaked ivy and a clump of Sedum as contrast struck me as rather pretty. So it became my blip. I guess the Sedum must have seeded itself from the adjacent housing estate.
And I have a music link, first one for a while .....

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