a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Self Portrait with my buddy!

It was another beautiful Fall day, although quite windy! I met up with my sister-in-law for lunch and we enjoyed some time just chatting. When Jack got home, we headed over to his friends house to drop off something and stayed a little bit while the kids played together.

This little girl is one of his favorite friends, a sweet girl that loves bugs, frogs, fishing and all of the things that Jack loves! After playing upstairs in her room for a while, they headed outside to go down to the pond. They were catching tadpoles with nets and even caught a fish. They then spotted a huge praying mantis! It clung on to her jacket and the kids thought that it was pretty funny. They were giggling and laughing the whole time!

When we got home, the light outside was just gorgeous. I grabbed my camera, tripod and a blanket and told Jack to meet me in the back field. He loves doing 'timer' pictures, where I run like a mad-woman after setting the timer hoping to make it in the picture in time.

I loved the lighting and golden tones in the photos, but decided I'd like to see this one in black & white. I think I might have to print this one and put it in a frame! (Of course, I'd be a lot happier if it wasn't so windy and I at least tried to comb my hair!!)

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