
We have some new pots for our back yard. 15 inches in diameter and 14 inches high these are rendered in hdr to show the texturing of the glaze. These came from Joel's Pottery and cost about $33 each. Manufactured in Vietnam they were fired at 2000 degrees for 7 days. Joel says they will be more durable than Mexican pots that are fired at 400 degrees for two days. We finally are replacing our original cheapo plastic pots installed when we moved into our new house.

Received the processing on my film from the Voigtlander. Four out of the 12 shots resulted in images. They were scanned to disk and ended up at 2000 x 3000 in jpg. Further analysis is in order.

I was dumb enough to purchase another roll. In the back of my mind lurked the fact that I have digital files available at 2000 x 3000 in RAW with the ability to bracket exposures and process in hdr. Also it occurred to me that processing in Lightroom and Photoshop is free now that I have the programs.

It has been a fun exercise, but I think that it will be an easy policy decision....

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