Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

A dog with a mission.

The staff meeting was cancelled tonight, and I was able to take Dimairt down to the beach for a bit of stick throwing and swimming.

The beach was actually like a United Nations tonight - French, German, Asian, Dutch, American and Italians were all in evidence. I chatted with many of them; actually, the dog broke the ice, and people then talked to me. It was lovely, and the sun brought out the smiles.

I had a wee bit of an 'incident' with 2 French ladies. As I passed them, I said something like "Isn't this a beautiful day?" Neither replied to me, but said (in French) as they passed "What a strange, fat woman - ha, ha, ha."

I changed direction and approached them from the rear - I said, in French "You should NEVER presume that people in Scotland do not speak French".

They had the good grace to look embarrassed.

Dimairt did better, though. He came out of the sea at a gallop and shook himself all over them.

I walked away, laughing out loud!

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