Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Thoughtful Day

First of all wow. Simply wow. As I looked before uploading this, there were 101 comments and 29 favourites on my blip yesterday which I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate. It's been a long time since I had more than a handful of comments (blip birthdays excluded) though to be fair a while since I made much effort to either take a decent shot or comment on other blips.

This has left me truly stunned at how many commented. In the past I've found comments are generally achieved by spending time commenting yourself. And I can only conclude that this was based purely on the actual photo and that makes me smile lots.

I don't normally show real life people my photos, but I put it on my Facebook last night and the response was also amazing from them. I have several asking to buy prints of it. Any advice on how much to charge without taking the mickey would be fab! I've never even thought about it before. Wouldn't want it to be much as I'm a nobody effectively.

This has all put me in a bit of a thoughtful mood and I thought today's image summed it up pretty well :)

Thanks again blipland!

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