Breaking the Routine

Away from the schedule and routine responsibilities, we headed up the coast, stopping at an overlook at the dunes. The dunes are beautiful, but can look so lonely when you stand gazing at them by yourself, which is what I had done several years ago in this same location. Here was Paul, and I thought the dunes would make a wonderful background, so I put my arm around him and gently started to guide his body around so that his back would be to the over look. He sort of resisted, thinking I'd gone a little wonky (not much of a view when your back is to the over look, is it?) then he looked up and saw me raise my camera and it actually caught him off guard, he laughed and put his forehead on mine,'d have thought he'd expect it of me by now...wouldn't you...

When we were first together, I wasn't familiar with this forehead to forehead show of affection. I asked him about it once, he said, 'it's what cats do and I've always thought it was neat'. So I started watching the wild cats in our backyard. Sure enough, they do it pretty frequently, sort of like little forehead hugs. I've grown quite fond of them myself.

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