
By Daystarimages

Don't Look Back

This sign has a fairly long story but I feel to tell it as I want it recorded somewhere.
My wife and I lived in Israel for twenty years. In the process we fostered children and put in our time with other humanerian ventures, helping out where we saw a need we felt we could fulfill. In 2007, We felt that the Lord was calling us to go to America to connect with our own children, both hers and mine. We did this, bringing her children from the UK to live with us and spending time with my son as well.
In 2010, we felt that the Lord was calling us to go back to Israel. It needs to be said that neither of us has any money nor financial backup. So to return to Israel where we have no real connection except with God and our past experience as neither of us is Jewish and both pensioners. We are basically living on faith in our Lord. Some say we are using God as a crutch, I prefer to say He is our wings.
Anyway, here we are in Israel with not more than a 3 month visa and by faith we have taken a one year lease on an apartment that just about does us in financially. We are looking to God daily for our provision.
As we walked into the city a few days ago to do some shopping for the fridge, we saw a truck go by with the huge sign on the side saying "Keep Walking". We felt that was God talking to us. A few feet further down the road was another sign in english scrawled on a door, "Don't look back". Again another sign of God talking to us. Then a bit further down the street, another piece of graffiti in english, "Talk to me". So in about the space of three minutes, we felt that God knew exactly where we were and how we felt as well and that He was watching out over us.
That is why this writing means so much to us.

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