Holding paws!

Rona was feeling a bit unwell this morning and was confined to her basket with at least three blankets covering her. A couple of hours later she was back to her normal self ,diving about the place every time we mentioned walk or car!! She will eat all sorts of rubbish when she is out....anything from chewing gum to cigarette packets, chocolate wrappers to clothes pegs. It is her only bad habit... (well, if you don't count the barking at approaching dogs!)

Fifi called just before lunch and we set off for a walk with Ali , Euan and Isla . Lovely day even although there is quite a fresh breeze.

Here are the two "girls" holding paws!! They really are the best of pals although Rona is the noisy one and Isla the quiet one. That , however, is sometimes the case with humans too!

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