"Why am I doing this?" It actually appeared in my mind when after the drop offs I pulled out the car again heading North West direction in the dark gray. The first glimpse of the lake and I knew why. Hard to explain but even if the leaves were gone, the colors were gone, the sky was dim and gray as almost everything else, it was still very beautiful and calming.

So I left another busload of tourists behind. (Again! I seem to have the same schedule with the company that's doing their tours!) Then it was only me, the coffee & the camera for another two-three hours. I did another lake-to-lake route, wanted to check a couple of places that I had to run through last time. And even now, the time passed so quickly I was almost running late again.

Kind of like the feeling that I've already had my recovery time and the weekend is only starting!

I hope your weekend starts as nicely!

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