Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Butterfly red stripe

Happy that you all liked the video yesterday, makes the effort worth while. I will definitely do another one in the future, putting into practice some of the lessons learned.

I went to the grove early today, took the first photo at 07:10. This was to give my poor tootsies a break from the vicious sun. No decoys today, I decided to wander around with camera in hand, much as I did yesterday with the video camera and see what pops up.

I will be doing more of this early morning shooting, as the insects are much easier to approach in the coolness of first light. Not as many insects around, but more than enough to keep me busy. Butterflies seem to be the early show, as the large area of their wings enables them to collect the early morning sun and warm their bodies up for work, I presume.

I managed to get in really close with this subject and took more than twenty shots, but she just would not open her wings for me, story of my life. Never mind, I'll get her on another day. Still, she makes a stunning display with her curious red stripe.

Well it is back to bed now, my system is not used to this early morning lark.

Update - If the overhead lighting is confusing you, I rotated the image to get more on the screen. Not sure if it was a great idea now.


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