Netters and co

By Netters


Tomorrow this young woman will be 21 , tonight she is out on the town with friends, driven there in a pink limo , they are all dressed up to the nines, fake tanned to within an inch of their lives, fake nails, fake eyelashes a whole load of lippy , very high shoes, beautiful dresses and matching handbags.

Last time I photographed her in a limo she was 15 with the world at her feet on her prom night. By 2 days short of her 18th birthday she was a mother.

This young woman is my daughter. I am so incredibly proud , I admit I did hold back a small sniffle tonight when the limo drove off carrying her and six friends, friends she has had since she was 11, three of whom are also mothers now , they all work, they all bring up children, they all run houses and they all do it brilliantly, I hope their mothers are just as proud as I am .

Tonight I have her son for the night, tomorrow she will come for lunch and many presents ! she wrote a list of possible presents, I bought them all. except the boob job and the pink car !

Happy Birthday for tomorrow chelsea ! I love you xx

"Daughters do wonderful things.
Not the wonderful things you expected them to do.
Different things.
Ashtonishing things.
Beter than you ever dreamed"

(Marion c garretty)

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