Life Slips By

By Cider12

S is for snowy

Last week, when I was on M, Sgwarnog commented that it was fortuitous that it had been very misty that day so I could capture M is for misty. Then he jokingly mentioned that I should arrange for snow when I got to S.

Well, this is what I drove through on the way back from Philly tonight. Half a foot of snow already on the ground and large, wet, blowing flakes attacking my windshield for four and a half hours... Apparently we haven't had this much snow this early since the 1920s.

The photo is courtesy of the fact that there was an accident on the interstate and we halted to a standstill for an hour. (Which was incredibly quiet and beautiful...)

So Sgwarnog, do me a favor...please don't suggest any other weird weather conditions until I'm done with the alphabet. I'm already not just a little bit frightened by the power of your suggestions.

Extra photos:
I almost blipped this snowy photo of Elfreth's Alley. I figured you'd all think I had somehow hopped a plane to England, though...

I had the pleasure of meeting Guinea Pig Zero in Philly. If you haven't seen it yet, his blip journal is a veritable wealth of information. As I found out, he has more knowledge about some parts of the city than several guidebooks combined.

PS Thank you so much for the outpouring of comments and love yesterday! I will come visit you all tomorrow. Am way too exhausted tonight.

Plus, Cider keeps trying to re-welcome me home every few minutes...

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