People on a Bridge

By zerohour

N is for Notebooks

Inspired by a friend and a fellow blipper kaitlynbrooke, I am doing a mini-blip challenge. For the next eight days I will focus on things that I am grateful for.

I will spell with my posts "thank you". :-) This is a fourth post in the series.

N stands for Notebooks. The small ones I carry in my purse to have a spot to write down that title of a great book one of my students is reading, and shopping lists, and to-do lists. The medium ones in which I write to clear my head, to figure out what's what and why, to plan my students' projects, and which I use at Brain Drain. And the really large ones, spiral bound, that keep all the great images I come across. Great design ideas, great color combinations, great compositions. Gotta have these, no way to store it all in my head... My friends know of my notebook passion; I rarely have to buy any myself these days. Thanks, friends! Many of the ones above are full and as they were the in-process kind could be discarded. I just can't bring myself to do it yet.

N stands for Nose. Mississippi doesn't agree with me; I have had stuffed up nose since April due to allergies. I wish I could do something about it.

N is for New Thoughts. it feels so good to be thinking new thoughts, rather than the old boring ones!

N is for Negativity. I fight it every day; sometimes it gets the best of me. I wish it never did.

N is for Night. Good Night, Blip world.

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