Snippets of Life

By betho

It was one of those days where everything seems more alive than usual. I suppose waking up to crispy fresh sunshine helps, it's impossible not to feel at least a little jump of joy on these sorts of mornings.
I walked to lectures through the cemetery. Like yesterday, like everyday, except that the cemetery today was a different world to the sodden gloom of yesterday.
Everything was so still, a hushed mist hung, hugging the dewy ground and damp gravestones. The sun, softly, cautiously peered through the trees forming shafts of hazy pale gold and lighting up a thousand precious drops of water in the leaves and grass.
Later returning home it was changed again, the moment past, un-captured, unseen by most. It was still beautiful though, the warmth of the sun just tangible on my upturned cheeks, still silent except for the occasional scattering of droplets from the trees.
In the afternoon inspired by John and Carly (with whom i had been baking cakes) i went for a run round Roath Lake.
I love Roath park on a sunny afternoon, the whole spread of humankind can be found there, 'making the most' of the weather, faces chilled and rosy, eyes squinting in the rich late autumn sunshine.
Mothers comparing babies, fathers with cameras capturing the fleeting moments of childhood as their children launch chunks of bread at an army of squabbling geese and swans.Teenagers, hanging out, displaying their take on the latest trends.
Young couples blissfully unaware of everything, lost in the bewildering newness of being together; old couples, more familiar to each other than the air they breathe.
A trim jogger (who looks far fitter than me), a women easing herself along on crutches, slow and determined, fighting for her health and independence.
A young women alone, absorbed in a book; a middle aged man, his faithful dog his only company. Three girls sitting on a bench, laughing, chatting, sharing each others worlds. A grandmother trying to keep up with the endless energy of her beloved grandson.
As i ran i realised, all these people, every single one has a hundred thousand complex feelings and thoughts. Each has their worries, theirs strains and confusions, their highs and lows. And i wandered, why isn't life just simple?
I managed to run all the way home this time, even up the hill though it nearly defeated me. And i realised that i suppose it's because we're so complex, so remarkable. For life to be simple we'd have to be simple, be black and white instead of the myriad of colour and texture that we are. And i guess if we were simple we wouldn't need God.

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