Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Take Me With You....Please??

This is one for the dog lovers....I know there are lots of you out there :)

I think the extra hour we had yesterday was taken back today.....I do not know where the day has gone. My to-do list just kept getting added to every hour and not really getting done. Oh well tomorrow is another day......

I was working from home today. I keep my work laptop etc in a case so it's easier for carting around when I go out to meetings and stuff. And this is Casper taking over the case - cute. He was quite at home here all day.

We have already had a mass of Trick or Treaters around - not scared off by dogs yapping at them!

Dinner is the yummy curry I made on Saturday. Our friend has just come round to cut Simon's hair and then we are filling our boots.

Just to warn you.......Master Casper is having a hair cut tomorrow so it will be ANOTHER dog Blip tomorrow. A hatrick of doggie Blips :)

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