Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Owing to the sub tropical temperatures...

My ghecko 'Gordon' still has not bedded down for winter.....
Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnlly teasing .. this is my gifty from Mooniechops from her recent trip to Spain with DDLC,we all buy each other some cheap tatt when we go away,DDLC's was by far the worst set of shit ever,but Moonies was ok as I collect Lizards,not live ones.As for Daves as we shall now call the cocopop wannabe.. WELL.. the lipgloss made my lips swell and I got a nasty rash !!! The ring is too big,the fridge magnet Lucy has told me 'creeps her out' and I do love the elasticated REAL DIAMOND rings.... :D

This folks is all because I got her the best gift EVER.... a great quality tea towel with a flamenco dancer on it from Granada.. (not the service station,the city).

I shall catch up with comments as I tooo and froooo tonight,as have a shocking headache,but it was expected as after all it has been 6 days since the last one,I have been lucky ;)

p.s Gordon is now climbing the string of lights in the breakfast room bit,so I played at 'swooshing' ...... on a manual setting xxxx

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