Had we planned it...

...it wouldn't have happened.

This is B, my very good friend with whom I shared a flat for about five years. We had a great flat share together with S for about three years and for all of us these years (in the middle of our studies) were some of the best and happiest of our lives as they were then. Having lived so closely together means that we know each other really, really well.

Now to the story of what happened. This morning after saying goodbye to family I traveled with my niece to Freiburg where she showed me her flat and cats and then got me to the station. On my arrival in Basel I was to join my Uncle and Aunt at a concert or at least the after-concert-drinks. I needed to buy one more present and therefore decided to quickly go to the Migros in the station. Who was standing at the vegetable stall right near the entrance? B! Well, I called her name and we both could not quite believe that we would meet again in that way. She had been in Nepal when we were on holiday in the summer and therefore couldn't come and see us then. As our luck would have it she had been on holiday for a week at her parent's house and was on her way back to Lausanne. I had anticipated that I might run into someone who actually lives in Basel but this was nearly too good to be true.

It was lovely to have a quick catch-up in the restaurant opposite to the station. This blip is the proof that this happened. Life is amazing sometimes and wonders do happen!

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