
A terrific day!

Bright blue sky with hardly a cloud to be seen, bit of a breeze up on the cliff top, but not cold at all. After a morning sorting out paperwork and bills, Ollie and I had a super walk out to the headland and sat and watched gannets diving. The tide was high so no beach visible, just waves rolling in and breakers crashing on the rocks.

We were going to cut through the fields at the top, but there are still some cattle out up there, so we came back via the cliff path. It's getting a bit too narrow for comfort in some places, you can see where the ground is eroding and the fence posts are leaning precariously as they lose there support. I tend to hang on to the fence on the dodgy bits, and so that's a bit worrying!

Yoga in the village hall this evening. Came home feeling great and even better when I realised that, in my absence, Himself had been putting plasterboard on the wall! Hooray - what a star! What progress!

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