
By LightWave


Love sprouts, but they are absurdly expensive in America.

Somehow I forgot to take my extra battery today, or I would have a shot of the movie that is being filmed in Chinatown. Didn't see any actors (Jeff Bridges and Kevin Bacon are in it) but I did get to see how they make rain! (If they'd been filming at the weekend, they wouldn't have had to have gone to all the trouble.)

The movie is RIPD and it's a comedy about a ghost cop who tries to find his killer.

So you could have had torrential (albeit fake) rain, glamour and famous movie stars. Instead, you get Brussels sprouts!

(As an aside, it's interesting to note that sprouts grow about the main stem as a quintuple helix - I first became aware of this when one of my more colorful biochemistry lecturers brought a stalk into class to amuse us with the properties of helices.)

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