
By Battlesmiff75

Hebe - Pink Elegance

I think the name of this flower says it all really. It was a "seasonal bargain" at the garden centre that I'd gone along to today to buy some fireworks for Saturday evening at my husband's sister's house.

Went to the doctor this morning about my continual nose congestion and he's given me a nasal spray to try and have to go back next week for a blood test as apparently as well as the possibility of an allergy, this sort of thing can also be caused due to problems with the thyroid. Will have to wait and see how I get on - just hope the spray works really. Fed up with feeling like I have a constant cold and not being able to breathe properly.

Anyway, enough moaning. Had a lovely time at book club last night and caught up with some friends I haven't seen properly for a while (ie: other than to wave at or say hi or bye in passing).

Glen and I also heard from a friend we've not been in contact with for ages last night and she gave us the news that she's expecting twins and is being induced today! Good luck Paula and Andy - hope everything goes well and that Dylan has a new baby brother and sister very soon. Love to you all.

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