It's like the spanish inquisition

just not quite
I was looking through James' books tonight whilst helping him to pack his bag and this made me chuckle...
There are five key skills.....I just can't remember the fifth one.
Forgive him his handwriting (which IS improving) and his spelling of remember (rember!!)

He has an assessment in French tomorrow which he is feeling confident about. I'm very pleased with how he is doing - motivated and trying hard. That's all I want.

I'd love some honest responses from parents. How important is homework and how much value do you place on it? How much time, in general terms, do you spend supporting your child(ren) with their homework? What sort of homework (if any) do you think is best?

Aside from that, 90 minutes to get home tonight. Have crashed on the sofa with Jimbo for a bit, which was pleasant, until he ate pickled onion monster munch!

Now for a cup of tea and an early night - hit the ground running with a full day of teaching and meetings. All good though.

Thanks for all the smashing comments about the moon through the telescope yesterday. I'm needing a run of clear nights and good moon position in order to fulfil a commission request for the Science faculty at work....

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