An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Tea & Sympathy...

Just go together don't they?

Like love & marriage, mince & potatoes, Morcambe and Wise.... :-)

And there's as much comfort in the ritual of making tea or having it made for you, as there is in actually drinking the warming brew. I have made lots of tea, watched lots of tea being made and of course drank lots of tea over the last few days. Now that the funeral arrangements are all in place and most of the official stuff dealt with, I might just allow myself another of those things that go together.......a gin & tonic. :-)

As always seems to be the pattern in my life, at times of sorrow and stress there is something good happening that takes a little of the sting away, and this time it's getting the keys to our new house.

My mum was so excited about our house move and whilst I am so sad that she never got the chance to visit the house, she had seen lots of photos and video footage and talked about it every chance she got. She would be very upset if she thought her passing had put a dark cloud over the event of getting our keys.

So we will collect the keys on Friday, and come evening as we sit on the floor eating our fish suppers, we will wipe our tears and raise a glass of champagne to a great mum, a great house and a great future.

:-)) xxx

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