Life Photographically.

By SaraJean


And here I go scrambling for a photos today. I just got home from close to a 12 hours shift at work, doh. And I get to go back in tomorrow night... should be a short and lucrative shift though, just drink service for an hour or two.

So here we have Kong, and you can just see it in his eyes, all he wants to do is play! Meanwhile Jet is stilling pretty on a pile of clean, and once folded towels.
Speaking of Kitties, it looks like we may have to put them up in a "kitty hotel" (aka kennel but I don't like that word) for part of our Christmas vacation. This fall my Mister's parents house burnt down, and their rental is to small for their 2 dogs, 1 cat, and our 2 cats (who are scared of big bouncy loud dogs).
I was first appalled at the the thought of my cats spending a week in a 2x2 cage with lots of other animals around, but turns out "kitty hotels" have changed a lot since I last was to one, and they might get a pretty snazzy 5x5x6.5 room with a window! Not to shabby. Anyone else have "hotel" experiences? I swear I'm one of those people who would call every day to talk to their cat. I'm just a bit crazy like that. They are practically my kids, since I don't have any real ones. At any rate, I'd love to her "hotel" experiences if you have any, or advice, or just tell me it will be ok.

I'm going to put my feet up now, take care!

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