Friday Foto

By drmackem


Cheerful title as the arboreal theme continues

Today involved lots of planning and organising, Christmas comings and goings, plans for a 50th, 18th , 80th and 21st birthday celebrations next year, a holiday for mrs mackem and myself after seeing No 2 offspring off to Uni next autumn. So now we have a frame for these things we simply need to fill them and live them well - God willing.

Oh and I finished reading the Great Gatsby - not sure how I missed this read before, but I can see why it has gained the status of classic, I love Fitzgerald's sharp wit and scathing description - reminds me of Twain and Dickens in a way. The underlying theme is depressing - one of decay I guess - but then I'm a sucker for a miserable book.

Another job today was setting up the new flatbed scanner in the home office. The last one was bought 10 years ago to take with us for a years sabbatical in New Zealand, last week it died. So a quick amazon search for the cheapest and it arrived this morning. So I decided given the dullness and dampness of the day, to grab a few leaves from the woods and scan theminto a bliphowever the moderator dealt me a cruel blow and rejected it as not evidence that todays image. Them are the rules - you live and learn.

So got the leaves out of the bin and quick recovery blip with the camera

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