A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Get Sett

Being Mrs Observant, I noticed this numbered sett* in the Royal Mile today at the top of Jeffrey Street - a place I have gone through countless times before completely oblivious. There is at least one other close by, I didn't want to linger in the middle of the road too long! I think there is at least one figure missing from this.

It is possible I am the last person to have noticed these and everyone else knows all about them and why they are there. If so could you please enlighten me??

Edit- Yay, many thanks to Witchcreations whose other half has identified it as being the former location of Nether Bow Port. The figure is 1514 which is when it was built. The council have put in a few brassed setts for historical former buildings. I will have to look for the others now.

*Do NOT under ANY circumstances EVER refer to these as cobbles. Stern letters will be written to the Evening News if you do. Mark my words. They will. Oh yes.

Edit-should have added - cobbles are naturally shaped stones whereas setts have been hammered into shape. Apparently.

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