Untraditional Pie

After the pie came out of the oven, everyone was handed a spoon and started digging in. I guess we didn't set a very good example of how pie is supposed to be eaten, but it was good.

One student only wanted to eat the crust. Once all the crust around the edge was gone, she started trying to dig under the pumpkin in the middle for more crust pieces. We jokingly told her that she would be banished from the table if she tried to do that anywhere but Thailand. But then again, I don't think you would eat a pie out of the pan like this anywhere but Thailand.

The pie a good-bye treat for an American guy who has been at the dorms this past year and is moving on to get married and serve in northern Thailand. It was the first bite ever of pumpkin pie for some students (which followed the first hamburger and sky-train ride for one of the students, hopefully not followed by a stomachache.)

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