Jack James

By JackJames


I got up early, had a good breakfast and headed into town to do a bit of shopping before heading into uni. My productive day soon degraded as I locked my keys in my flat, so I couldn't unlock my bike. Another walk to Kings.

Saw this old chap walking along, got the impression he's probably taken those same steps back from the newsagents many times in his life.

After arriving 30 mins late for my lecture, we had a 3 hour lab looking at 50 different specimens of rock showing sedimentary structures and had t draw and label them all. The first half hour was bearable, but soon dissolved into abject tedium as they blended into a mush of boredom.

Walked home to find myself still locked out, so had to go and find Poppea and borrow her keys - didn't get back until 6ish. Made Pumpkin, Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato soup with home-made bread for everyone (Chris and Marek crashed the party), before heading back with them to watch a film. Ended up seeing 'Attack the Block', which was ok, but made slightly difficult to watch because Chris kept fumigating the air, which was not the nicest.

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