Between Brushstrokes

By felicitypapp

Robbed of Ideas

Left the house thinking 'must balance something'.
(...for a nod and a tip of the hat and a nudge deserve a response)

Day 1
Tried using other people's cigarettes, but they wanted to smoke those. Annoyed them by insisting regardless.
Learned that round things are not beginner friendly.

Day 2
Looked for sugar cubes, but the cafe provided sugar only in tilt dispensers. Tried balancing the cookies instead.
Found out that I'm better at consumption than construction.

Day 3
Tried my hand on all sort of things that refused to coexist with any degree of stability. Gave up and switched to wine. Practised my sighs.

Day 4
Got junk food on the way home. Sat at dinner table and contemplated building a tower of fries.
Might have given it a shot if I enjoyed eating them cold.

Day 5
Felt determined and retrieved boxes of polaroid film from the fridge for another ambitious attempt. The ghost of Newton seemed unimpressed, tossing an apple over his shoulder and smashing my tower to pieces.

Day 6
Gave up.

Day 7
While sitting at the easel I suddenly realized the solution had been staring me in the face the whole time.

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