Foster Dog

My neighbour Maria has a new foster dog. A very small dog with very big ears and a very loud voice!

Mara will be living with Maria and Nina for a few weeks.
Maria will take good care of Mara. She already told me she wouldn't mind keeping this little miniature pinscher.
Mara's owner is on vacation and doesn't know what I know: Mara will not like to leave Maria's home when she returns. Believe me.

Wouldn't be the first time one of her foster dogs moves in to her house for good.

Maria kind of collects neighbourhood dogs and sometimes cats, mostly English speaking ones. Many former American neighbours didn't mind to leave their dogs behind under her care when a new move was coming up.
Maria is bilingual dogwise and catwise. The smaller the dog, the better. In her house, cats and dogs get along with each other. I will never forget the dachshund and the cat she once owned; they were like Siamese twins.

One time she took her daughters dog from the United States home with her. No problem. Daughter was happy, Maria was happier, dog was the happiest.

So if you ever need a good foster home for your fourlegged partner while visiting Germany, let me know. I'll forward it.

Maria is almost 80 years old. Her door is always open (to two- and four-legged ones). She's a great neighbour. You never need to ring the door bell. The dogs take care of that.

I was her daughters best friend when I was a child and spent a good part of my childhood in her house. I consider myself one of her foster children.

6:30 pm 10,5°C

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