Yet more autumn leaves

Back at the doctor's again today..
The good news is that my blood pressure is much lower and that the doctor has identified the reason behind my extreme tiredness.
The bad news is that my blood pressure still needs to be lower, I'm already on the maximum dose of blood pressure tablets, and the reason for the tiredness will have to take a back seat as there's a more pressing issue that needs addressing first. I can't have the usual medication for this issue as it raises the risk of having a stroke and I'm already a high risk (my dad, his mother and her father all fell victim to strokes). The medication the doctor's chosen for me has the rather useful side effect of lowering blood pressure, which is good for me, but another side effect is that it can increase tiredness, and that's something I can do without.

If anyone's still reading at this point, this lovely blue sky didn't last long.

I'm hoping to catch up with some comments this weekend. I'm sorry I'm so behind..

Re yesterday's blip, the TV setting on my camera allows me to choose the shutter speed and the camera does the rest - I'm not ready for fully manual yet!

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