
By Chaos

Still on the Street

This is another experiment day, the forth.

G got me started with this. Croz suggested I try shooting from the hip. I tried that. I mostly ended up with heads and feet. I'll work on it some more.

Mostly I continued to be stealthy, trying to get in close without being intrusive.

The most fun and the most amazing thing about this is that the camera captures things unseen and unexpected. In that split second that the camera catches the scene there is so much happening that we are unaware of, and we are standing right there. We can just not take it all in. But the camera does. And what surprises!

Can you find the three bears? Hahaha! And some of the expressions captured made me laugh out loud!

It's the spontaneity, serendipity, subtleties, and surprises that make this so interesting!

Oh, tomorrow I will try a suggestion from Northern, 180 degree shots. Others have suggested this in the past, so it's the day 5 experiment.

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