I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Season of change

Lots of change in and around my life at the moment. It's just life and life never stands still. I think it is even more highlighted by the physical changes around me as Autumn takes hold.

I found this lovely poem that just seems to capture in words everything at the moment, and the blip is somewhere I walk in all seasons.

Remember Me
by Kris Nelson
When you walk along a wooded path
In the nature my heart held so dear,
Remember the joy that it gave me
And know that I'll always be near.

When a robin announces his presence
Singing solo as day becomes new
The doe lifts her head to listen
As her fawn drinks the freshness of dew.

When an otter glides through the river,
His swim is a masterful one.
He engages his mate in a playful chase
Then they climb on the rocks to sun.

When the rustling leaves touch the autumn sky,
Boasting colors of russet and gold
Geese wing on their southern-most journey
To escape from the beckoning cold.

When the North wind blows through the towering pines
It delivers a mid winter's chill
While snowflakes drift softly on fresh frozen lakes
And the call of the wild becomes still.

In each of these things, remember me.
And know that I'll always be near.
The woodlands, God's wondrous Creation,
In His nature my heart held so dear.

Thinking of you M, KB and others x

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