
By emmagenevieve

Remember Remember


It's been a while! I've had a terrible spate of migraines so unfortunately had to take a couple of weeks off away from the blog. Shame cus I got a couple of nice Halloween ones etc but didn't want to backblip too far as it defeats the object. Better to start afresh, I think. Annoying as I was consecutive until then, but hey, who's counting?

Hope everyone's had a good fortnight. Looking forward to catching up on what everyone's been up to. This is a shot from my family's annual firework party in my aunt's garden; the man bating the fire like a matador is my uncle. A thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all with fireworks (including a 7-effect fountain finale), sparklers, a big tea (with special homemade dairy and gluten free chocolate cake for me) and a few rounds of pontoon. Worth travelling back from Wales for!

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