send me back to the wild!

By davidpritchard

Day 72: Guy Fawkes Night

Fireworks are usually tricky to photograph, although they're always great fun to watch. It's hard to compose images properly, because it's usually impossible to predict where they are going to appear in the sky. I decided to try and include some traffic trails with the ones created by the rockets. I'm not entirely sure that this works, but it was very experimental, as it involved not just covering the shutter for different explosions, but waving my gloved hand around in front of the lens to flag the brighter areas of the scene. As such, the shutter speed given here is largely irrelevant.

A passing bus gave the double-arced trail in the foreground. I'd have preferred brake lights to headlights, but there wasn't much coming down the road, and these things are pot luck to a degree anyway.

Nikon D300; Tamron 18-270mm @ 25mm; ISO 320; F/11; 13 seconds. VC off.

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