
By Cari


Good Evening!
Today was a productive day. We had a great day at the store! And, I got a lot of little things done there. Came home and poured a glass of wine and snuggled under my blankie on the couch to finish a book. My son came in and started playing on his guitar and it reminded me that I wanted to shoot some shots of his guitar. Pops reminded me with his guitar photo series he's got going on(If I knew how to 'link' to his wonderful shots, I would do just that, but I don't) :(
I used to practice with my kid's instruments in the past years and haven't lately. So, thanks pops!! If someone can give me a quick tutorial on how to link other's photos I would appreciate it. I know add a link but how do you find the http of others photos?? Maybe I could just go to the blip tutorial, duh.

So, I combined the guitar with my glass of wine. I was also inspired by Inspiredesigns to get my tripod out so I did just that. I'm going to use it more! Now I need to get some good lighting......and some time

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

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