Hello Strangers

Yes Blippers, It's me, little Lady Stardust (The model for Daddy's first ever BLIP.)

I was moved to Aunty Laura's house, I tried to enjoy living there but Aunty Laura already had a lovely doggies called Bailey & Candi, me and Bella did not like them very much.

Daddy came with a lady called Schanppy yesterday and brought me & my big sister Bella to her house, it is very scary here as Schanppy already had two cats before me & Bella arrived - They are smelly boy cats though so we will soon beat them into shape.

For the moment I shall play nice and not find mice to leave about the house, but once I get to know this lady I think she will love this trick.

In other news Bella was being cuddled by Daddy when one of the boy cats entered the room, poor Bella decided Daddy's hand needed some air holes (Bella thought this was great, but Daddy had funny red stuff on his fingers)

Anyways Blippers, I am off for now - But be sure that I shall manage to wrestle Daddy's camera when he visits (Or maybe even Schanppys one hehe)

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