From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

A splash of colour....

On another grey day!!! She's still here and not showing signs of going anywhere soon, just nibbling her way through my bay tree. That i have to add in the pic with her is not my Bay tree!!!!

Sorry bout the lazy blip yesterday, felt lazy all day think I've still got tail end of the tonsillitis as throat still a little sore, I've been taking enough vitamins to hear me shaking as i walk so goodness knows why it's still lurking around.

Last night at the last minute little B decided he did want to go and see some fireworks after telling me all day he didn't 10 mins before they were due to start he asked the question so off we went up the city centre in search of the fireworks, now MK's fireworks have been going since i was about 7 and my dad always used to take us, i remember standing round the building site that MK was at the time watching the fireworks so it does feel like a bit of a tradition and now B likes it as well.
So anyways off we went, found ourselves at the cricket pavilion, right near where they were letting them off. B decides that the best way of watching them is by laying flat on your back in the soggy, wet, muddy grass. I have to admit this was the best view i've had of them and the most enjoyable, much better than standing up shivering in the freezing cold!! Next year though i think we will take a blanket!!

:) X

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